Sunday, December 29, 2013

13 Things 2013 Has Taught Me

2013 has been a roller coaster of a ride and while I'm still struggling to understand how it's already coming to an end, I couldn't be happier to jump into a new year that holds a promise of better things ahead.

Although this year has been filled with many beautiful moments, it has personally also been quite hard for me. I prefer not to go into complete detail but I can say that the saying "what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger" is 100% accurate. So, as this year comes to an end, I thought I'd share some of the things it has taught me.

1. You are your own worst critic.
2. You can't succeed if you never want to go out of your comfort zone.
3. Life is not always fair, but it doesn't mean it's not worth living.
4. It's not about the quantity, but rather about the quality.
5. There's always a reason to smile. Always.
6. No matter what you do, people are still going to judge you, so you might as well just do it!
7. Being a mother is one of the most difficult jobs in the world. Be grateful to yours!
8. Laughter, love and prayer can cure almost anything.
9. Kindness always pays off.
10. Love yourself first.
11. It's okay to feel lost sometimes. No one has it all figured out.
12. Take time to appreciate the little things.
13. Never, ever give up on your dreams. Ever.

How has 2013 treated you? What are some of the things you loved and/or hated about it? I'd love to know so tell me in the comments below! No matter how rough this year has been for you, I believe everyone can come out of it a better person somehow. So, take this year and use it as a launching pad to make the new one, a better one. At least, it's what I plan on doing.

Happy New Year's everyone, and thanks for sticking with me this past year! Here's to another year filled with great moments and memories!



1 comment:

  1. I'm sad to hear about the hard aspects of this year but being taught things from it is a positive thing! I agree with all of your points - teachings I hope I live by. I, especially agree with "Never, ever give up on your dreams. Ever."! I've learnt that something may appear scary but it can be the best thing once you've jumped in and done it! (My blog, for example.) Happy New Year, Shirley! :-)
